Monday, July 16, 2012

Giving Life to Liberty

At Liberty Academy, we are dedicated to giving your children a cornerstone education on which to build the rest of their lives.
We believe every child is as educationally unique as their physical thumbprint, and therefore has the right and is worth the effort to receive an education which is equally tailored to his or her individual needs.
Life of Liberty is for all of us. It is a blog that centers around connecting our students, parents, friends and families to, not only Liberty Academy, but our community, the world we all hope to make a difference in, and ourselves.
Here you will find many events, contests, tips, news on Liberty Academy, features on students and members of our community, exciting opportunities and more.
We hope this blog serves as a great tool for all of us as we strive to become better citizens and reach our ever-growing goals.
So welcome, from Liberty Academy!

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